In-oil products and specialities

Typical local vegetables carefully selected, prepared and enriched with specific spices, preserved in extra virgin olive oil to enhance flavours, fragrance and consistency.


Whole Artichokes - "Spaccatelli" Artichokes - Champignons Mushrooms - "Chiodini" Mushrooms - "Pieurotus" Mushrooms - "Cardoncelli" Mushrooms - Lampascioni - Aubergines - "Contadina" Peppers - Dried Tomatoes - "Pric o Prac" - Stuffed Chilli Peppers (tuna-capers / tuna-anchovies) - "Sponsali" (Onions)

Available sizes

All types of the above products are available in clear glass containers, jar of 580 ml and 314 ml jar. The products are also available in 3100 ml pot, only on demand.